33 Immortals Gameplay coisas para saber antes de comprar

33 Immortals Gameplay coisas para saber antes de comprar

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has a hub world, The Dark Woods, that players return to after each loop. This is where you’re able to apply upgrades, equip new weapons, alter your appearance and get some training in.

C’est justement au niveau des armes de que 33 Immortals vient densifier son gameplay centré avant tout sur la coopfoiration. Au nombre pour l’instant do 4, nous avons donc au choix : 

Sustain your numbers as best you can, for only the strongest group of survivors stand a fighting chance in brutal boss battles. Rise above the Almighty

Each one doesn’t have a lot of power in their hands alone, but even Hell itself can be taken down with enough unity and coordination. At least I hope so, since none of the runs I did with my teammates ended up beating even Lucifer at his domain.

The game begins with a 33-player map, Inferno, which is an arid wasteland of roaming demons, 12 Torture Chambers and one big ascension battle to complete. The minions running around Inferno are easy enough to dispatch for practice and Em excesso bones (the game’s currency), or you can run right by them without punishment. Torture Chambers are miniboss rooms designed for six players to tackle at once, but you can enter them with fewer than six, even alone. However, you’re unlikely to get far solo. The minibosses are hulking skeletons and big, flopping demon worms with plenty of health, and they always have hordes of minions as backup.

I’ve seen players perish multiple times attempting to activate these when a massive attack is about to hit or a trap is set to activate. If successful though, the result is almost always worth it. While the cooldown can be high, activating them can rain down arrows, slow enemies within an area, offer shields to allies, and more, with each player having access to one co-op power depending on their chosen weapon.

To stand a chance, you must farm monsters immediately. They drop dust, which fills your Dust Bubble and can be deposited at Dust Shrines to upgrade Attack, Vitality, or Empathy. Scattered across the map are Torture Chambers, high-risk combat trials with valuable loot—two Relic chests, one always open one requiring a key—that are limited to six players at a time.

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The good news is that all these and more features and content are a part of the studio’s roadmap for 2025. The bad news is that you aren’t getting any of it right now, essentially making the early access version a worse experience if you pick it up this soon, unless you want the title in your library before the price goes up at the 1.0 launch.

How much more difficult will the second world, Purgatorio, be compared with Inferno? How badass can I make my weapons? What’s it like to run around hell with a beagle by your side? These are all exciting questions I’m looking forward to answering once 33 Immortals

Attempting to solo almost any activity can get boring quickly. I found that even the smallest enemies can be massive bullet sponges until you build up your character with hours of upgrades. Even as a late-stage herculean character, having some backup can upgrade the amount of damage you deal exponentially. This is thanks to the title’s use of critical hits, which only begin racking up when another player is also hitting the same target.

Il faudra ainsi passer notamment par l’Inferno et le Purgatoire pour prouver sa valeur, dans une cohorte de, on vous le donne en mille, 33 Immortels. Une valeur qui n’est pas là par hasard, puisqu’il s’agit du nombre exact de chapitres composant la Divine Comfoidie. 

Vu notre temps imparti relativement court, nous n’avons toutefois pas pu explorer plus avant cette partie por la progression. Il faudra donc creuser plus profondé especialmentement la question dans sa version early access disponible dès aujourd’hui. 

Multiple times in different runs when me and a couple of others were attempting to take down a mini boss in the overworld without making much progress with health bars dwindling. Soon, another group players that was simply passing through waded in to help 33 Immortals Gameplay out, slicing through the mobs like butter. Receiving help like this is exhilarating, usually combining the groups into a larger pile that can ravage through the map efficiently.

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